HTML Introduction

If you're new to Web development, be sure to start our HTML course learn what HTML is and how to use it.

What is HTML

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web.
It defines the meaning and structure of web content.
Other technologies besides HTML are generally used to describe a web page's appearance/presentation (CSS) or functionality/behavior (JavaScript).

Why to learn HTML

Now, HTML is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags available in HTML language.

Website design/development - HTML is used to create webpages which are rendered over the web. HTML pages now-a-days works well on all platform, mobile, tabs, desktop or laptops owing to responsive design strategy.


HTML is easy to learn - Within a couple of weeks you can start creating your own web pages. 😎

Editors - If you are beginner, using simple editor like notepad - windows or textEdit - mac is good way to start learning HTML. OR else
Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code these ediors I have used.

Browser - Any internet browser installed in your computer/mobile